A Door in the Woods by James Dashner

A Door in the Woods by James Dashner

Author:James Dashner
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Cedar Fort Publishing & Media
Published: 2012-05-15T00:00:00+00:00

The next day, we were back at it.

Dad said that the grounds in front of city hall had a bunch of trees, and that some of them were willows. So we tried there, and looked around all morning. Still, nothing.

We were sitting on a bench, resting, eating a couple of sandwiches that my dad had bought at a little store next to city hall, when once again, things turned topsy-turvy and inside out.

I was in the middle of a bite, just about to mention that maybe we'd better not just sit in the open like this, when Dad dropped his sandwich and stood up, pulling me up with him. His grip on my arm hurt, and I knew trouble had come.

“Jimmy, they're here.”

The way he said it was so strange. I was learning more and more about the odd ways humans react in awful situations. He didn't scream, he didn't go nuts, he just calmly said that we had company, that ‘they’ were here. I looked where he was looking.

Across the great big lawn in front of the city buildings, running full speed, straight toward us, were the last two people I cared to see right then.

Hairy and Monster.

My first thought was that Hairy was not dead, and had obviously gotten back to Georgia pretty darn quick.

My second thought was that we'd better get the heck out of there.

Dad grabbed my shoulder, and we started running.

My heart bursting, my breath exploding, I ran as hard as I could. We headed for the group of buildings by the city hall.

The thugs weren't too close, and I thought we could easily lose them once we got out of that big open space. We almost made it.

But then I heard the shot, and then I sensed more than saw my dad go down. I turned around in shock, and saw my dad lying on the ground, holding his leg. I was horrified.

“Jimmy,” he screamed, “it's just my leg! You go! Go!”

“Dad,” I pleaded, “Come on, I'll help you!”

“Son, you go, you go now! We've got no choice! GO!”

My mind spun in a million directions. My heart was ripped apart. The pain of seeing my own dad hurt by those gutless freaks overwhelmed me. But my dad was right, and I did the hardest thing I'd ever done.

I went.


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